Thursday, March 12, 2009

Achieving Goals

So St. Patty's Day is tuesday, and its like the only holiday Mark celebrates (other than all the ones I make him celebrate), so for the squadrons traditional thursday treat day, I made Irish Cream Bites. I kind of invented it. Its a sugar cookie base with irish cream, and butterscotch shnapps added in. I saw a recipe and and thought I would tweek it. It had a cream cheese frosting made with a little irish cream (liquer all cooked out proir of course). I think it was one of my bigger success' with his work. Mark gave me the title of "Top Chef", I made him text it to me, so I have proof! So for goals, one down, one to go. Has anyone looked at my blog?


  1. you can make me number 2 for reading your blog, yay! I'm glad there is a better way to stay in touch with u other than Jason updating me through sporatic texts. :) your dessert sounds yummy! Way to go top chef!

  2. Holidays blow... you know how i feel about all hoildays... dont make anything. Just pretend it's not a holiday... That's my advice.
